Hey y'all! This thing has evidently proved very useful. [Edit: over the last...13 years?? Holy cow!] So...yeah, keep using it, and let me know if you find any problems with it, by
. Thanks to
hashtag. Best of luck, solvers!
Fixed the w rule to ignore punctuation, thanks to the kind human who messaged me on Mastodon! Also added links to my archive of the corpus.
*taps mic* Hello? Is this thing on?? Huh! I guess it is! Anyway, I added the final hint, and did some tidying. Like Ryan, I love websites and I hope that once corporate aggregation platforms are nothing but a memory, individual websites in all their quirkiness will continue to be around. Happy to do my part in ensuring that stays the case 🙂
Oh, and for those trying to brute-force it, I've also compiled a list of all the words used in Dinosaur Comics via OhNoRobot - let me know if you want it.
2010-03-21 1:14am: Woah! This thing got
reddited, and the
analytics are showing it! Since it's being used more again, I added more lists from @alapl051 and shuffled some things around - let me know what you think.
2010-03-08 8:03pm: Added lot of new lists from @alapl051 and integrated his hints, made things prettier and smoother, and separated out the "valid" list from the "suggestions" list, so you can get suggestions from a different list that constitutes valid words.
2010-03-05 4:50am: I added all kinds of things - I integrated
@alapl051's word list checker, with some modifications, and made the errors more awesome. For now it's just my list which is
@jadrian's list, with 9-10 and 12+ letter words, non-dictionary words (from my /usr/share/dict/words), words with punctuation, and words that don't fit the puzzle removed. That was about 1/3 of them. I may add more later, let me know if you have suggestions. Right now, I'm going to sleep. It's way past my bedtime. Oh, and if this breaks in IE again...I'll look at it tomorrow. Cheerio!
2010-03-04 2:50pm: Reformatted this box, added hints and more links.
2010-03-04 12:14am: Added a Twitter feed and cbox, and tried to make things look a little better.
2010-03-03 8:43pm: Thanks to
@johnlightle's question, got it working on Internet Explorer. Also made the anacryptogram dynamically updatable, too.
2010-03-02 12:45pm: @jadrian also made a list of Qwantz's vocab, but also gave numbers, so it's probably better than mine! It's over
this a-way.
2010-03-02 5:36pm: @kkutani took said list and used some perl-fu to eliminate the words that don't fit the anacryptogram. You can find that list
o'er yonder.
2010-03-02 11:46pm: @xyzzy_b hacked together a
Ruby script of a simliar bent to this tool. Inspired by said script, I also added a randomizer for inspiration - just hit the enter key!
Other possibly useful things I don't feel like explaining fully:
@kkutani's brute force perl script,
@jadrian's branch-and-bound solver